Who We Are

Jobseeker Company was established in February 2022 with the goal of creating one reliable economic ecosystem for the workforce. Our recruitment platform aims to empower each individual by connecting them with opportunities that align with their skills and experience.

We want to enable them to improve their standard of living and achieve better prospects for their future.

Our Advisor

Sandiaga Uno

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy

Helmy Yahya

Entrepreneur, Coach, and Actor

Gita Wirjawan

Entrepreneur and Former Minister of Trade

Rizal Gozali

Managing Director at Credit Suisse

Daniel Surya

Executive Chairman & Co-Founder WIR Group

Philip Ng

Co-Founder & CEO BitCyber

Steve Lovato

Founder & Managing Director, Incentive Dynamics

Biju Mohan

Managing Director and Partner at Accenture

Akshat Chawla

Vice President and General Manager (Asia Pasific Japan) Autofleet